Shared Configuration Folder

The shared configuration folder is used to control user preferences and to load collections automatically.

Note: When required, set the folder and file permissions on the Shared Configurations Folder as writable for those with admin permissions, and read-only for general users. This folder will control user preferences and collections. Restricting editable access will avoid users editing the files.

Creating a Shared Configuration Folder

  1. Select one of the supporting systems listed below to create your shared configuration folder.

    Network folder
    1. On a network server create a folder called "Mail Manager" and a sub-folder called "Mail Manager Config" e.g.

      UNC: \\Server01\General\Mail Manager\Mail Manager Config

      Drive: G:\Mail Manager\Mail Manager Config

    2. Copy the contents of the sample folder (see above) into the "Mail Manager Config" folder

    3. Copy the path of the "Mail Manager Config" folder to your clipboard

    1. Within your SharePoint admin center create a new site (site collection) called: Mail Manager

    2. In a web browser open the Mail Manager SharePoint site

    3. In the "Documents" section create a folder called "Mail Manager Config"

    4. Copy the contents of the sample folder (see above) into the "Mail Manager Config" folder

    5. Copy the URL of the folder to your clipboard e.g.

    1. Within your Viewpoint enterprise create a new site called: "Mail Manger" with a document container called: "Mail Manager Config" e.g. My Company / Mail Manager / Mail Manager Config

    2. Copy the contents of the sample folder (see above) into the "Mail Manager Config" document container

    3. Copy the path of the "Mail Manager Config" document container to your clipboard


  2. After installing Mail Manager, navigate to ...\Program Files\Mail Manager\Sample

  3. Copy the contents of the sample folder to your selected system as shown above